Monday, September 30, 2019
A denied that the agency merely had a authority to intercept the emails and online communications in united states. Point According to the author, Edward snowmen is a hero. He revealed the information which people deserved to know. He put his career and life at risk. He did not contain any sensitive information which can threaten national securities. He discoursed that senior intelligence officials mislead congress. N. S. A collected the most data of these countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Jordan, India, Egypt.It tracks Americans allies more than terrorists. EVIDENCE Snowmen spent lot of time to go through from surveillance program and the data which collecting around the world. He did not reveal anything that would harm the countries such as identities or military plans. Yes, the evidence is factual which based on something that has actually occurred. When snowmen fled to Hong-Kong and Glenn Greenland who is journalists broke the story how on routinely gather the phone logs of Ameri can, who have no relation to the terrorism.RELIABILITY United Kingdom's Guardian newspaper released secret documents obtained from snowmen an American intelligence body demanding that version release information on a daily basis culled from its American customers activities. The following day, guardian and Washington times released snowman's leaked information on PRISM. Then Author published an article in New Yorker which becomes the source of information and he uploads them to the internet. SCRAP CURRENCY The information was published on jejune, 201 3 in new Yorker RELEVANCEThis information is related to my topic and indented audience is everybody. I have looked at a number of sources. Caddis, j. (201 3, jejune). Why Edward snowmen is a hero. Retrieved from http://WV. Anymore. Com/news/john- caddis/why-Edward-snowmen-is-a-hero AUTHORITY John Caddis is a writer for ââ¬Å"The new Yorkerâ⬠. He has been writing since 1995. He has had a plenty of different jobs such as a financial commenter for the BBC and a business editor. His background may make his article seems more convictive because his job needs him to think in different perspectives.ACCURACY This information released in New Yorker and it is a secondary source as well. He had lot of evidence and references to support his opinion. For example, he wrote snowmen spent months meticulously analyzing every document. The author is trying to say that snowmen prepared for his action, just upload all secret documents he had incautiously. He was being responsible for what he was doing and he knows what he should do. URL reveal about the source is commercial. PURPOSE The purpose of the information is to inform the public. Article Critique Journal of Business systems governance and ethics looks into different aspect of business ethics. It has different papers which are looking into the issue of organization ethics, human resource management, and relationship between the organization and its environment.It looks into the relationship between corporate ethics and personal ethics and how they impact no the business. à It also looks intoà à the aspect of professionalism, ethics and the life long learning among ICT professionals.This journal also looks tat negotiation decision support systems and the link between the operations strategy and human resource management for organizations like non-governmental organizations that work in unstable environment.Literature ReviewThis paper by Helen Maddeen-Hallett (2009) looks into the relationship that exists between corporations and is ethical standings in addition to the ethical standing of employees assessed within a framework of eight main dynamics. It argues that there i s a direct correlation between the ethical standards of a corporation and that of its employees because the highest ethical behavior possible for an organization equals the highest standards of its personnel.It shows that companies which behaves ethically are likely to be more profitable compared to those which are believed to be unethically exploiting resources from the public (Brenner, 1992). These organizations develop anti-trust and non-cooperation and have a cost of two and half trillion dollars per year. These organizations are also likely to damage themselves and also damage the dynamics at which they intersect.This paper identifies the main problem to be how it is possible to find ethical personnel that will result to benefit for all the related dynamics. The paper deeply explores the idea of business being a part of the whole scope of personal ethics.à It also looks at indicators of ethically minded personnel to generate important information that can be used when hiring especially middle and top management personnel.In the second paper, Agrwal (2009) looks into negotiation theory in line with game theory, psychology, and negotiation analysis. He argues that there is a trend towards Integration Negotiation Theory that brings together these three theories.The paper combines prospect theory and negotiation theoryà à in order to incorporate the risk associated in negotiations. The paper discuss development of Negotiation Decision Support System (NDSS) which is a information technology tool used in negation theory.Tatnall and Davey (2009) discusses about aspect of professionalism, ethics, and lifelong learning of ICT professionals. The article looks into how ICT professionals have found it necessary to keep on upgrading their skills in line with emerging technology. The article discuses in details what is ICT professionals and what entails risk reduction.Hassin (2009) discusses the link between operation strategy and strategic human resource manag ement for NGOs which operates in unstable environment. The article discusses how HRM need to be proactive and responsible to change in operation environment.RelevanceThe article is relevant to the area is researching. It contains credible literature and the sources used are all credible. The article also discusses in details the subject it is researching.Critical ReviewI find this article most appropriate for the research.à It has looked into the subject of research in greater detail and has used credible literature. However, it has not taken in-depth primary research but solely relies on secondary researchConclusionThis journal has covered the areas of research in greater details. It has carefully selected literature to be used in each subtopic and has given enough attention to each topic. It is relevant to the area of research.RecommendationsIn order to make the research more reliable, it is recommended that the article should use primary research since this is considered to be more accurate and reliable compared to secondary data.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Meggerââ¬â¢s Article Response Essay
Betty J. Meggers article, Environmental Limitation on the Development of Culture, examines how environmental habitats directly affect and influence culture. Meggers discusses the differing environmental types and its resulting effect on the people and their cultural development. Her theoretical framework is grounded on the idea that the relationship between culture and its environment is not only based in terms of subsistence (802), but largely to a cultureââ¬â¢s experience with diffusion (822). Diffusion can best be defined as a process in which a cultural trait, idea, or behavior is spread from one society to another. While she does believe that the relative strength or weakness of an environment to provide a suitable means for food production affects the adaptation and advancement of a culture, she also believes that cultural diffusion plays a vital role as well. According to Meggers, the general belief is that environmental potentiality is the sole conditioner of cultural development (801). The span of environmental habitats into classified into 4 environmental types, ranging from Type 1 environments, which have the least agricultural potential, to Type 4 environments, which have unlimited agricultural potential. Meggers does generally seem to agree that the environmental type can set limitations on the level of development a culture is able to obtain (816). Because Type 1 environments have the least agricultural potential, tribes must subsist mainly by hunting, fishing, and gathering. Cultures that live in Type 1 environments are relatively small in population size and tend to lead more of a nomadic lifestyle, a necessary part of life because they must continually follow their food source. As a result, their existence is noticeably simplistic because their primary focus is on satisfying only their very basic needs such as shelter and food. This type of environment results in a culture where social organization and technology is very limited in scope. The nomadic lifestyle necessitates that tribes remain relatively small, therefore making the single family the basic social unit. Additionally, technology remains limited to only the most essential tools and utensils due to the limited resources available. According to Meggers, Type 1 and Type 2 environments seem to prohibit cultural advancement because of the limitations imposed on a culture by the environment and the general lack of a suitable source of diffusion. Conversely, Type 4 environments have unlimited agricultural potential because they possess all the ideal conditions necessary for sustaining agriculture. Meggers calls Type 4 environments the ââ¬Å"cradles of civilizationâ⬠(804) because of their ability to develop and implement the technology necessary to sustain an agriculturally based lifestyle. Type 4 environments are typified by their complex social organization and cultural advancements. Meggers states that Type 4 civilizations are elaborate due to their intensive production of food and the necessary means of distribution. However, Meggers also believes that success of Type 3 and Type 4 environments to advance culturally is also heavily influenced by diffusion across cultures, or a cultures relative exposure and adoption of differing cultural norms, beliefs, and behaviors.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Postmodern Paradox
A Postmodern Paradox Postmodernism, a paradox in itself, challenges conformity in countless ways. Taking place after World War II, this movement is mainly characterized by its rejection of social constructs and its challenges to traditional forms of philosophy, literature, art, and religious authority. Ironically, while it defied categorizing, it became a category itself. Nevertheless, this movement has had a profound impact on countless literary, cinematographic, art, and philosophic works. Two works that have been profoundly influenced by postmodernism includes Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Opponent, and the elm and book The Hours, by Michael Cunningham. While both works have been influenced by modernism in separate ways, they ultimately share its key themes: an abstraction of time, a rejection of reality, and a search for higher purpose. Through the use of postmodernism themes and literary techniques, both the movie and book were able to convey that absolute truth does not exist because it is relative, intricate, and blurred. Occurring in the post-World War II era, postmodernism can be considered an intentional departure from previously dominant modernist approaches such as scientific positivism, realism, constructivism, formalism, and tapestries. Through its emphasis and use of power relations, binary classifications, fragmentation, paradox, dark humor, rejection of reality, sociology, linguistics, and subjectivism it constantly attacks contemporary life, art, literature, philosophy, religion, and ethics. In addition, it is characterized by a rejection of reality, claiming that transmutable validity cannot exist since reality is limited by concepts like time and sexuality. It is able to achieve its unique goals in literature and film through numerous literary devices. In literature, there are several devices frequently used by southernism writers to convey some of the main ideas of the movement. Of these devices the use of fragmenting, dark humor, satire, paradox, allusions, mixed point of view and interruption of form are the most frequently used. These devices allow writers to deal with topics like the absurdity of moral, philosophical, political, and authoritative relativism; in addition, these devices provide for a blurring of classifications and boundaries of societal structuring. Ultimately, postmodernists desire to condemn contemporary life, reject reality, and accept relativity and complexity in indefinite answers. The movement of postmodernism came about through a series of meaner. An important factor that contributed to the development was that it followed World War II. Before the war, modernism dominated the current literature of the time. This movement involved rationalism, reason, the scientific approach, optimism for human potential, and a pursuit of absolutely certain knowledge. However, in the wake of both World Wars, the climate was set for postmodernism as confidence in human progress, autonomy, and optimism were destroyed in battle. This permeating and predominantly pessimistic aura of thinking exulted in a series of books, films, artworks, and musical pieces that rejected reality, worldly concepts like time, renounced identity, and questioned the purpose of life. These themes clearly reflect the toll that war had on society; many people desired to marginality the horrors of war in a rejected reality, ostracize human error through a pitiful purpose of existence through fragmented viewpoints. The wars essentially brought about a pessimistic form of modernism that relished in the repudiation of absolute answers; for postmodernists nothing could ever be easily or fully explained. As postmodernist ideals began to develop and conglomerate they were influenced by countless individuals. One extremely influential individual was Linda Hutchison. Hutchison, who wrote several postmodernist works like A Theory of Parody, expressed a great deal of interest in self-reflexive approaches to texts through parodies that both legitimate and subvert that which it parodies (Introductory Guide to Critical Theory). Hutchison also coined the term historiographer metrification, which describes literary texts that assert an interpretation of the past but are also intensely self- flexi; these texts allow a double process of installing and ironing, parody signals how present representations come from past ones and what ideological consequences derive from both continuity and difference (Introductory Guide to Critical Theory). With historiographer metrification, writers can speak constructively about that past in a way that acknowledges the falsity and violence of the past without isolating the present. Many other writers, artists, composers, and directors have had a significant impact on the evolution of postmodernism as well. Key incepts of postmodernism have also developed and evolved through the influence of society and individuals. For example the term kitsch or stratification, which can be defined as the reduction of aesthetic objects or ideas into easily marketable forms, has a more widely accepted definition adopted by famous postmodern philosopher Jean Baudelaire: The kitsch object is commonly understood as one of that great army of trashy objects, made of plaster of Paris [stuck] or some such imitation material: that gallery of cheap JunkÃâaccessories, folksy knickknacks, souvenirs, emphases or fake African masksÃâwhich proliferate everywhere, with a preference for holiday resorts and places of leisure (Consumer Society 109-10). Jean Baudelaire also offered a definition for simulacrum, defining it as Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperbole. It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real (The Precession of Simulacra 1-2). Postmodernism, like any literary movement, was molded and defined by society and intellectuals involved in its progression. The profound impact postmodernism had on Kurt Evensongs Slaughterhouse 5, through its use of frame-breaking, criticism of worldly concepts like time and war, exploration or reality and truth, simulacrum, and rejection of reality, satire, allowed for the novel to express its ultimate renunciation of an absolute truth in exchange for intricate and indefinable answers. In addition, it was able to express key concepts of post modernism through its use of postmodern iterate devices; many of these concepts included a search for a higher purpose, a renunciation of social structuring, and a rejection of reality. By expressing these concepts, Opponent follows the postmodernist ideals of historiographer metrification, and questioning the absurdity of contemporary life and conventional viewpoints of society. Frame-breaking, the linkage of separate subplots in a novel to unify the intricacies of an entire plot, contributed to the postmodernist impact on the novel by individuality. Frame-breaking takes place in the novel through the employment of Opponent as three characters of differing importance: the narrator, the protagonist, and a supporting character. Through frame-breaking, Opponent demonstrates that even the recount of a war experience does not hold a simple plot; it consists of a web of intermingled plots, ideas, characters, events, and concepts; this adheres to the postmodernist principle of blurred lines of interpretation and absolute truth. In addition, frame-breaking allows for a loss of identity. The loss of identity occurs when Opponent represents an omniscient force narrating the story as he simultaneously lays protagonist Billy Pilgrim, and a seemingly inconsequential supporting character. Opponent as an omniscient force demonstrates the renunciation of religion in postmodernist ideals; Opponent plays god, yet he is as trivial as any other human being. Furthermore, by telling his own story in the perspective of Billy Pilgrim this demonstrates how war results in a loss of identity, or the adoption of an alias. Rather than personalizing the story in a first person perspective, Opponent distances himself from the horrors of his past. Finally, by including himself as a prison mate in Billy Pilgrims story, this demonstrates how in postmodernism, all identities consolidate; the man that represented god and the protagonist is nevertheless a supporting character in the larger plot of the story. By disparaging his ultimate role in the novel, Opponent demonstrates that people are all essentially equal in life and in death- thus a loss of individualism. Through the use of simulacrum, which involves replacing reality with a representation, Opponent is able to criticize worldly concepts like time and war. For instance, by using the simulacrum of Transformable for Earth, e criticizes the necessity of war. Transformable represents a conglomeration of ideals he believes are optimal in achieving peace. However, instead of directly stating those concepts, Opponent employs a narrative and symbolism; this allows for a rejection of reality while criticizing war. Time is also criticized through a simulacrum of time traveling. Through time traveling the distinctness of years is blurred and time loses meaning as it is muddled together. This criticism of time is a unique postmodernist concept that is closely related to the criticism of social structuring. As postmodernist writer, Opponent denounces the traditional concept of time and replaces it with a web of linked yet intricate events. Simulacrum is also used in the plot of Billy Pilgrims Journey; rather than telling the story in the first person perspective, Opponent ostracizes himself thus criticizing the worldly concept of individualism and identity. Contrastingly, he links all frames of the story in the end of the novel to demonstrate that personal identity is futile when people are all equal in life and in death. In addition the concept of death is abandoned as Opponent accepts omelet equality of the human identity. By employing a plot dedicated to the exploration of reality and truth, Opponent demonstrates that the world according to postmodernists is full of blurred lines, undefined edges, and complex networks of relationships. Not only does the novel in its entirety consist of three convoluted interwoven subplots made up of smaller subplots, but it contains episodes of irrationality and science-fiction. This mixture of reality and science fiction represents a renunciation of reality for a combination of philosophy and fantasy; further mistreating that reality does not exist in a state of definable truth, but in limbo higher purpose is an impossibly multifaceted path that nevertheless ends the same as all others do: everything is connected and personal identity is trivial. The Hours, written by Michael Cunningham and directed by Stephen Deadly, has been manifestly impacted by postmodernism through its use of fragmenting, stratification , satire, and renunciation of worldly concepts like death to express postmodern ideals like a loss of identity or interconnection of all things. Through expressing these ideals, Cunningham was able to reject typical social and literary construct and ultimately convey that answers are not simple or absolute. Frame- breaking is employed in the hours through the eventual amassing of all three subplots within the novel to demonstrate the interconnectedness of all human identities. The novel is formatted in three separate spheres to demonstrate how as humans search their lives for purpose, they are unable to see how individualism and identity are inane. The three plots are eventually connected through death- another worldly concept denounced by postmodernists. Through death, the characters become linked to one another and the reader becomes aware of their unity; this demonstrates how death provides enlightenment and is not solely the end of a life. Additionally, frame-breaking allows the criticism of the concept of time. All three subplots take place in completely different eras, yet they have profound impact on one another despite this detriment; this demonstrates that time is merely a concept, rather than an obstacle, and cannot overcome the unity of humanity identity. Stratification and loss of identity are expressed through a variety of literary devices n The Hours to demonstrate that superficiality and identity are ultimately trivial in life. Stratification most chiefly occurs in the novel and film when the concept of love is reduced to a party and flowers; this becomes a criticism of superficiality upon the death of Richard when the party goes to waste. It signifies that the superficial form of love was powerless and inconsequential to Richards death and that death encompasses all. In addition, both Richard and Virgins death represents a loss of identity in that his life and accomplishment were evidently meaningless to them. In he end, they chose the namelessness of death as their path rather than a quest for a higher purpose or discovery of self-identity. Their deaths are a demonstration of the interconnectedness of life in that both writers commit suicide, creating a full circle to the complex web of relationships. Postmodernism, contradicts itself in its essence. Yet its use of paradoxes, satire, criticisms of the conventional, and quest for answers have had a profound impact on the development of literature, art, and society. While postmodernism will be phase in the history of writing, it will not cease to remind rites to question the norm, look past what is conventional, and defy typical form and construction.
Friday, September 27, 2019
'Critically evaluate the concept of corporate social responsibility Essay
'Critically evaluate the concept of corporate social responsibility and assess its contribution to the framing of business eth - Essay Example 2006, p. 4). Thereby, Corporate Social Responsibility tends to be a pivotal issue for the organizations that tend to do business in a sustainable way. Though Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept that is affiliated to voluntary actions on the part of businesses, still, in the current times there has been a soaring pressure on the businesses to extend positive contributions to the societies and communities in which they operate, and at a minimal limit the negative impact of their business activities (Fall 2003, p. 205). The governments the world over have been formalizing the salient aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility, particularly those that are related to environment. One salient attribute of the Corporate Social Responsibility is the need on the part of the businesses to affiliate to the ethics prevalent in the socio-economic context in which they operate (Smith 2008, p. 183). Thereby any viable idea of Corporate Social Responsibility is complete without affiliating to business ethics. ... 110). The primary objective of a business is to garner profits for its shareholders and owners. However, the onus of generating profits does not mean that a corporation could do anything to facilitate these pecuniary motives. Therein comes in the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and business ethics. Many a times the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and ethics is used interchangeably (Kline 2005, p. 239). The thing that needs to be understood is that the term Corporate Social Responsibility pertains to the acceptance on the part of a business of certain salient social obligations. For instance it is not binding on the part of a business to extend employment opportunities to the physically challenged and other sidelined sections of the society. Still if a business extends employment to the physically challenged people, it constitutes the recognition of a social obligation on the part of a business and comes within the ambit of Corporate Social Responsibility. Howeve r, when one considers the concept of business ethics, things get a little confusing and difficult When it comes to business ethics, it is not merely about the recognition of certain salient social obligations on the part of a business (Joshi 2012, p. 148). Business ethics are not a concept that the businesses could adhere to on the basis of voluntary initiative, but rather they pertain to the actual conscience of a business (Marcoux 2006, p. 51). The ethical behaviour on the part of a business pertains to recognition on the part of that business as to what is good and right. Inculcation of an ethical behaviour on the part of a business pertains to a formal recognition on the part of a business as to what it can do, and what it cannot do
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Human Trafficking Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human Trafficking Today - Essay Example From where she was seated, she chanced upon a conversation between a rich-looking man and a girl about her age. The man was offering the girl a job as a waitress in the nearby city, the pay was good and an opportunity to earn extra from customer's tips. She inched her way towards the two, and joined the conversation. In less than ten minutes, a small crowd has formed. The following day, she along with the same small group who gathered together the other day, they were already on their way to the big city. A brothel awaits these young girls. Drugged until they were numb, they were sold for sex and prostitution until the next batch of new girls arrive from the countryside. A woman leisurely strolling in the mall with her toddler in tow and her young child in her arms was busy looking around. Quite excited about the extra money she has, she unconsciously let go of her toddler. The child was looking around when a decent looking woman picked him up. Instead of turning him over to the customer services to have her mother claim him, he was taken to a van, where other 'lost' children awaits. They were transported 300 miles outside the state. The children were made to beg for money ran by an organized group. When they grow up, they will be trained to do more complicated crimes such as robbery and will be in-charge of kidnapping young children. These three stories may differ in plot but the main substance is present in all: it shows of how a person is transported, abused and discarded. It shows a gross disregard of a person's basic right to life, to freedom and to security. The stories are primitive and barbaric. These are real stories of present day Human Trafficking. By definition, human trafficking " shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, or abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation ((,1)." On the other hand, it is very crucial to define another term, often mistaken as one and the same crime for the purpose of clarity and accuracy. Human Smuggling is "the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a state party which the person is not a national or permanent resident (,1)." The similar aspects are that, the victims are transported to another city or nation, that they are lured by false promises and economic rewards. They however differ in substance, where in human smuggling the one who benefits in the long run is the (so-called) victim of the act, where in human trafficking the sole beneficiary is the oppressor himself, and victims are not rewarded in anyway; another difference is the amount of information given out to the victims; in human smuggling, the victims know where they are going, are given instruction as how to take cover, feign an arrest and work as co-conspirators while in human trafficking, the victims have less or no idea at all where they
Immigration Laws And The Catholic Church Research Paper
Immigration Laws And The Catholic Church - Research Paper Example According to the research "Immigration Laws And The Catholic Church" findings the Catholic Church considers the immigration laws in the United States to be unjust in that it treats the so called illegal immigrants in a cruel manner despite the efforts they make towards enhancing success in the nation. Most people also feel that the laws should not be adjusted but rather the immigrants should be evicted hence revealing the hatred they have upon the immigrants. The Catholic Church fears that the immigration bill may make the lives of the immigrants even more unbearable and that it has some similarities with the immigration law in Arizona hence the fear that the illegal immigrants will not be treated fairly. The Catholic Church particularly in the United States has been actively involved in the debate concerning the immigration laws where it has shown its opposition in a great manner. The church has been calling for reforms in the immigration laws arguing that all the people involved ou ght to be given the best by being treated in the best way possible as the teachings of the church stipulate for maintenance of human dignity all the time. ââ¬Å"Behind these walls are friends, neighbors, co-workers,â⬠said the bishop. ââ¬Å"They are children of God, our brothers and sisters, who came to this country with hope for a better life. That is why the bishops of the United States are once again calling for immigration reform legislation in 2010. We are calling on all Catholics and people of good will to ignore the rhetoric and follow the teachings of our church.ââ¬
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Influenza in Elderly Aged 65 years and above Essay
Influenza in Elderly Aged 65 years and above - Essay Example Therefore, the effective measure for preventing this communicable disease is to offer influenza vaccinations to ageing people. Influenza is a public health issue because it is an acute viral infection, which can spread from one individual to another, and it circulates across the globe and can affect many aging people at a higher rate. According to the WHO report, global influenza epidemics result to 3 to 5 million of severe cases yearly and this contributes to death rates of approximately 500, 000 deaths where the majority are the ageing people of 65 years and above (Ryu, Kim, Park and Park (2011 p. 4197). Influenza causes annual epidemics and the winter seasons or temperate areas are the peak seasons for influenza. This illness can take economic toll because of heavy expenditure on provision of healthcare services not only to the aging population but also to children who are dependent. The essay explores the determinants of influenza in aging people and analyzes the inequalities, as well as, policies that impact on the public health issue. Determinants Of Influenza In Adults Age 65 Years Old And Above Ageing people are at higher risks for many vaccine preventable illnesses because this illness contributes to high morbidity and mortality rates. Influenza and pneumonia in adults are among the 8th leading cause for increased death rates among the aging people across the globe (DH 2009, p. 5). Many aging people die while others get admitted in hospitals due to complications of influenza disease. The determinant of health covers all the risk factors that may pose an individual to influenza. Social issues are among influenza determinants among the elderly populations across the globe. The research carried out revealed that social determinants such as gender, ethnicity, social-economic status, cultural beliefs and values were among the determinants of influenza in adults (Nagata (2013, p. 88). The behavioral beliefs, affordability, education or attitudes about the va ccine are also significant determinants of flu vaccine. Vaccination gains influenza virus is vital because it is one of the best methods of preventing unnecessary hospitalizations and premature death rates to elderly people. Another influenza determinant is the health care provisions among the elderly population. Since the beginning of the 20th century, timely and efficient intervention methods have been significant contributing factors for the decline of morality rates from influenza disease and other associated diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease (Merrill 2010, p. 57). The health of aging population is influenced by varied factors including the past and present behaviors, as well as, health care provisions. There is an immense dissimilarity among the health inequalities and health determinants. The primary causes for health are frequently summed up in the slogan of dealing with the determinants for wellbeing and health inequalities. The health inequalities are tackl ed under the policy implementation whereby the government focuses on distribution of equal health care services to all population. Focusing on the determinant of healthcare inequalities is vital because this is one of the increased causes for widespread influenza disease. Education factor is among the social determinants of influenza and it is linked to learning disabilities for adults. The research study carried out revea
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King Essay
Racial Harmony According to Martin Luther King - Essay Example He stated that he dreamt that "little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with the little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers." Direct Action. In one of his letters from Birmingham City Jail, he stated four basic steps to non-violent campaign: 1) Collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; 2) Negotiation; 3) Self-purification; and 4) Direct action. He saw these four basic steps of non-violent campaign as a systematic and rational approach to address conventional violent tension protests. In the same context, King explained that direct action is the non violent protest to negotiate with the reluctance of "city fathers," especially on civil rights issues. In King's view, non-violent direct action could create the same crisis and tension like violent protests - enough for a nation and its officials to pay attention to, like demand for the responsible party, marches, sit-ins, and the like. Biological Basis of Race and Conscience. In one of Martin Luther King's statements titled Trumpet of Conscience, he stated that "many people believe that the urban Negro is too angry and too sophisticated to be nonviolent," implying racial discrimination where black people are believed to be incapable of being diplomatic as to carry out non-violent direct action. ... He is therefore convinced that even very violent temperaments can be channeled through nonviolent discipline, "if the movement is moving, if they can act constructively and express through an effective channel their very legitimate anger." J. Philip Rushton, a psychology professor at University of Western Ontario, in his paper titled, Is there Biological Basis for Race and Racial Differences dated May 28, 2001, said that biological composition has to do with people race. He mentioned brain size, intelligence, temperament, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. Rushton said, "On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, and less sexually active, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the opposite end in each of these areas. Whites fall in the middle, often close to Orientals." Rushton suggested in his findings that racial balance or harmony as biological basis is lacking or cannot be supported through the very material components of people, as people differences through biological aspects calls for classification such as race. This conflicts with the idea of racial harmony that King envisioned. However, King's principles were the results of his study of social history and philosophical views, as recorded by Doug Linder in Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail. Accordingly, Luther modeled after Socrates' enforcement of learning his concept of non-violence direct action for creating tension to achieve a certain goal. By this Luther believed that "in creating such tension, society will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Intellectual Property Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intellectual Property Law - Research Paper Example With mounting pressures by judicial criticism, intellectual property was regulated under common law and the Statute of Monopolies enacted in 1623 rendered illegal all monopolies except those for a defined term of years; this forms the basis of modern patent law (World Intellectual Property Organization, p.1). The exact origin of intellectual property law is still unknown. However, it is a fact that, terms like intellectual property was used during the initial half of seventeenth century in Britain. The history of intellectual property rights in the modern era started in Germany in 1867. North German Confederation is believed to be the first country which formulated intellectual property laws in the modern era. ââ¬Å"The North German Confederation first used the term ââ¬Å"intellectual propertyâ⬠in 1867, providing for legislative protection in its constitutionâ⬠(Furst). Since then, intellectual laws evolved in different forms at different parts of the world. Different cou ntries have different types of intellectual property laws. ... Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of ââ¬Å"original worksâ⬠and includes such things as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations, both published and unpublished. Copyright does not protect ideas. It only protects the specific and original expression of the idea (Pipers) For example, Windows is the operating system developed by Microsoft. It should be noted that plenty of people, including Bill Gates, worked on the development of Windows operating system. This product is protected with the help of copyright laws. It is illegal to use pirated copies of Windows on computers. Even in China, Microsoft succeeded in winning some cases with respect to copyright violation of its products. ââ¬Å"A local court in Shanghai ruled that Dazhong Insurance must pay Microsoft 2.17 million yuan ($317,900) as compensation for using pirated Microsoft software, reportedâ⬠(Stan) ââ¬Å"Patents are used to protect new pro duct, process, apparatus, and uses providing the invention is not obvious in light of what has been done beforeâ⬠(European Generic medicines Association). It should be noted that new products are developed only because of the huge efforts undertaken by somebody. Once a new product is developed, it is easy for others to copy it. In other words, leaders and followers are in the market. Leaders always generate new ideas and innovate new products whereas followers try to copy those ideas and innovations. In order to avoid such illegal copying, all new products and services developed by somebody can be protected with the help of patent laws. Patent rights are usually given only for a particular period of time. The owner of a patented product should disclose the innovation to the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Mathematics and ESL Students Essay Example for Free
Mathematics and ESL Students Essay With the changing demographic in schools and cities, there should be a growing focus on the method of teaching to be sensitive to the needs of ESL learners. In the article Supporting ESL Students among the key insights was the need to build foundations. As in any curriculum or area of learning, it is necessary to build on a strong base and establish fundamental concepts for learning to be fluid as knowledge areas expand. Consider how mathematics was first introduced or taught to students. To be able to fully grasp mathematics, one must first learn addition and subtraction. From there one can learn multiplication and division then fractions. This method of teaching and learning emphasizes the need to build on a strong base. For ESL students the case is similar, in that first they must build a strong foundation of language, meaning develop a knowledge of basic or fundamental words, and from there move on to abstractions and conjugations. By first understanding root words and key structural and grammatical rules, they are able to build on a solid foundation and thus better understand more complicated concepts. A sensitivity to language, grammatical structure and word usage is necessary because for ESL learners, understanding of mathematical concepts only come after successful communication. In Reforming Mathematics Instruction for ESL Literacy Students, authors Buchanan and Helman (1997) concur with the initiative to engage learners in collaborative learning. In this case, students are challenged cognitively by encouraging them to investigate, formulate and comprehend mathematical concepts through classroom activities. By engaging learners in activities that will require them to formulate their own questions, engage in classroom discussion or interact with others in an attempt to communicate their learning, then students are stirred clear of becoming passive learners. By engaging their understanding, then learners have a better chance of fully grasping concepts as well as remembering them. As the old adage goes, ââ¬Å"Practice makes perfect,â⬠in the case of mathematics and the English language, nothing can be more appropriate. By encouraging students to practice their language skills as well as their understanding of the mathematics, they hone their knowledge and skills set. Encouraging and helping develop fluency helps students in many different ways. First they are better able to understand instruction later on, second they are better to communicate their own thoughts and insights and third, they build a knowledge foundation of which they can build upon later on. Learning mathematics is often like building a pyramid. For one to be able to successfully learn mathematics, one must begin with a strong foundation of basic mathematics concepts and only from there can one progress. In teaching mathematics, strong foundations should always be the point of reference. As such, linking mathematical concepts with prior knowledge and experiences make it easier for the student to relate the topics and then connect it to their own lives. In this sense, learning becomes more of a personal and integral experience rather than a passive encounter. By being able to successfully relate mathematical concepts to more familiar terms and experiences the fatigue or fear associated with the technical aspects of mathematics can be reduced as well. Learning mathematics in itself is a challenging task on its own. For ESL learners the challenge of learning mathematics is only compounded by the task of having to negotiate an unfamiliar language. As such in the instruction of mathematics to ESL students it becomes necessary for the instructor to be sensitive to these needs. A focus on providing instructions that would build good foundations in language, grammar and understanding of mathematics is integral. Similarly, positive reinforcement of learning through the encouragement of continued communication between students and classroom activities that promote practical utilization of concepts learned, promotes the better understanding of math as well as language. Reference List Buchanan, K. and Helman, M. (1997). Reforming Mathematics Instruction for ESL Literacy Students. Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved 10 March 2009 from http://www. cal. org/resources/digest/buchan01. html
Friday, September 20, 2019
Solar Water Heating Systems
Solar Water Heating Systems Solar energy is the source of energy which is now in use all over the world. Different companies and researchers are introducing new ways and method to use the solar energy. The consumption of petrol and natural resources are not only harmful to the environment but they effect the economic situations as well so it is necessary for every country and for every body to have alternative sources of energy. That is why developing countries are specially putting efforts to enhance the use of solar energy. Other different sectors like house hold usage and car industry is also doing research to get as many benefits from the solar energy as possible. Solar energy is also used for swimming pool heating systems. These systems are so flexible that they could both be used indoor and outdoor swimming pools. These systems could be installed both in the cold zones as well as in the hot zones. Solar based systems are electronically controlled and different sensors are installed in the system to keep the temperature of swimming pool at adjustable temperature rage. If the weather is hot sensors will allow the water to bypass without heating into the swimming pool and if the weather is cold sensors direct the valve to control flow. Solar systems are also used in under earth heating systems to store hot water for the home usage. The aim behind this project is to design the solar heating system which can effectively improve the use of solar energy. The system should be cost effective in such a way that it could be easily used in homes. The efficiency of heating system should more than normal systems used in market. System should be differentiated into the parts in such a way that it could be used in many ways. If some body wants to use the system in automatic configuration or in manual configuration both could be easily installed and operated. The system could be easily adjusted in hybrid mode means either to run on electric power or solar energy. The whole system could be configured automatically in such a way that a simple lay man could also use the system by studying the manual. All parts of system should be easily available in the market and should be cheap that if some one wants to replace any of the part he could easily get the part and install in the particular place. The system should not work in such a way that if one part is not operating whole system should not stop its working although certain parameters would definitely disturb in that case for example if the heat sensor is not working properly the temperature of water could raise but will not exceed too much as fixed level is programmed in controller to stop the system. 2. HISTORY The solar energy was explored in 1950. The background of use of solar energy is linked to space technology. The need of energy system was felt for the satellite system, because for the continuous source of energy the solar energy was considered to be the best possible solution in the space. In early era the solar energy was used with the help of black pans. As the black color absorbs maximum heat so the black pots and pans were used to heat water. The solar cell possibly can convert small part of sun light into the energy. The best rate of efficiency of solar cells is 180%. Most wide use of solar energy systems is water heating, cooling system and energy for space technology. 3. SOLAR ENERGY Solar energy is the energy radiated from the sun. The solar is related to the sun. The components of solar energy are light from the sun and also the heat from the sun. The sun is providing energy to the humans and other creature from very long time. The technological innovations are occurring day by day and the use of solar energy is increasing according to the technological innovation. There are so many parts on the earth where the day times are longer and sun remain 16 ours in whole of 24 hours. Heat in those areas is so strong that lot of energy could be extracted out from the sun light and heat by using special equipment and advance technology. As the power resources and oil resources are getting scarce on the earth every country is in the search of finding the new resource of power generation that could replace the use of oil and gas. Every country is striving to achieve fruitful results before the oil resources obsolete. They are also trying to use the secondary solar resources of power which are wave power and wind. The solar energy used by human being is very small as compared to total energy daily falls on the earth. The solar energy absorbed by the earthà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ atmosphere in one hour is more than the total energy used by the whole world in one year. According to the facts and figure it is around 3,850,000 EJ per year which is absorbed in the earth atmosphere. 4. CATOGARIES OF SOLAR ENERGY There are two basic categories of solar energy one is the active solar energy and other is the passive solar energy. Active solar energy means the extraction of solar energy form the photovoltaic cell and after solar cells electrical energy is generated and used for different purposes. Other category is passive solar energy and it is used by orienting the buildings in certain directions and from light dispersing properties. Hybrid forms of energies are also used in many areas where the solar and other sources of energies are used alternatively. 5. DESCRIPTION The core of sun is the main source of solar energy, where the fusion reaction is occurring every time and huge amount of energy is released and the estimated amount is 3.86 x 10^26 joules per second. The part of energy which the earth receives is 174 PW of all solar radiations. Thirty percent is reflected back towards the space. 6. BENEFITS OF SOLAR ENERGY The solar energy has many benefits and these are almost uncountable. Some of these are under mentioned. It is the source of energy which is in huge quantity and there is no point of scarcity because the all the systems on the earth are inter-dependent. Every living creature is dependent on the light and energy of the sun. Plants can not grow without the sun light and human and animals can not survive without the plants and sun light. Solar energy is not like other sources of energy which is harmful to the atmosphere and living creature. It is environment friendly and solar cells do not release any remnants in the air. Solar sells are very cheap and therefore solar energy is the cheapest energy and requires no maintenance cost for the long time. Solar energy is self sufficient for the household and for some other activities and does not require any dependence on other resources. 7. USES OF SOLAR ENERGY With the advancement of technology and research on the solar energy has magnificently increased the use of solar energy in different sectors. Industry is also trying to cash this resource of cheap energy in its different sectors. The example of the industrial use is installing the solar panels at the remote sites where other power sources are not available and hung cost is required to establish power generating stations on those sites industries establish solar energy units and setup with relatively less cost and use the energy for different applications. Power stations and power lines are tried to be installed on the place where there are significant number of people living around because without this the price of installation could not be achieved. But in case of solar energy the small setup could be installed even for one home in the remote areas. And this installation does not require very huge amount to be spent. In telecommunication sectors it is tried to provide service at each and every corner although it is not possible but companies install lot of sites to strengthen the network connections. So the sites where no power lines are available solar energy systems are installed to give power to the remote sites. Solar energy is also used for the signaling purpose for the transportation and for the offshore navigation light houses. Solar system is also used as hybrid fuel system in the cars. Lot of companies is manufacturing hybrid fuel system cars like corolla hybrid. In case of any problem the car could be directly switched to the solar based energy system. Solar energy is also used in the home appliances and researchers are doing research to efficiently use solar energy. In many countries solar energy is water heating system and sewerage treatment plants. The roofs of buildings are made of solar cells and energy is stored in the batteries. 8. METHODS OF STORAGE Normally solar energy is tried to collect and use at the same time. In certain conditions where the hybrid systems are installed solar energy is stored for the use at appropriate time. As the solar energy is non-constant form of energy and it is stored. It is available only for the certain duration of time and for the other time stored energy could be used. The most common method of storing solar energy is batteries. Large batteries are attached with the solar panels with the help of charging circuitry to store the charge. These batteries are of two types 1. Nickel cadmium 2. Lead acid batteries Lead acid batteries are cheap and for the storage purpose these batteries are mostly used. But there life time is less than the nickel cadmium batteries, these batteries discharge more electricity. Zeolite mineral is also used to store the solar energy. Natural zeolites could be used to store energy instead of synthetic zeolites. Water and stones are the short duration methods of energy storage. Energy obtained from the sun is directly given to water and stones using certain mediums and used according to needs in short period of time. Another method of storing solar energy is latent heat storage method. In this method nitrates and sulphates are used to store the energy for the longer period of time. Another system is under earth heat storage system and is usually used in homes for heating water. 9. THERMOSOLAR ENERGY The word thermo solar is self explanatory and means the heat from the solar energy. This is the type of energy consumed in heating the water for the homes and swimming pools. The energy is also used for the climatization of plants and for other applications. 10. HEATING SWIMMING POOLS A huge amount of energy is needed to heat up the water of swimming pool. One of the applications of solar energy is also heating the swimming pool water, although people are also using other methods to warm the water of their swimming pools. But according to the new technological innovation solar energy is tried to be used for this purpose. Because most of the swimming pools in homes and restaurants are located in open environment where solar light can easily reached so it is feasible to install any solar energy conversion system near the swimming pool. The following solar heating system is similar to the designed work. All the blocks are integrated to make one perfect system. Filters are perfectly designed and placed accurately to block dirt. The solar panel is placed right above the heat exchanger to provide maximum heat to the pipes. Valves are accurately controlled to direct the flow of water in the desired direction. Sensors are also placed right near the heat exchanger to sense the heat of exchanger and give the signal for rotation of solar panel. Other sensors are exactly placed in the water to detect the temperature of water and give the signal to programmable logic controller for panel rotation and water flow. Figure .Solar heating system The old traditional methods of heating swimming pools are expensive and inefficient. Lot of energy resources is wasted in heating swimming pools these resources are natural gas and electricity. Another risk associated with such system is electrocuting. The heating systems based on electric power are very risky if the people jumping into the swimming pool without checking. These systems are not only dangerous to humans but also to the environment. The pollutants release by such systems effect the environment badly. Modern methods of heating swimming pools include the option of retaining the heat into the water by using different sheets and blankets which can store heat for long time. But in case of non sunny days it is difficult for this system to heat the pool water. Keeping in view this condition other sources are alternatively used for heating purpose. The average temperature needed for heating the pool water is nearly 78 degree Fahrenheit. 11. PARTS OF HEATING SYSTEM The heating system based on the solar energy consists of different parts and these individual parts integrate to make one system and provide cost effective solution for heating. These systems are also given the temperature control facility; user can vary the temperature of water in the pool by just adjusting the thermostat. The main integral parts of solar heating system are as follows Solar collector Solar collector is the part of heating system which consists of solar cells and the heater integrated with it. The pipes for the flow of water are also attached with the solar collector. So the energy is dissipated by the solar collectors in the form of heat and this heat is directly transferred to the water. The water is then circulated through the pipes and through the filter and is controlled by different valves. Solar collectors are also of different types and manufactured according to the weather conditions. These are unglazed and glazed UV inhibitors. For enhancing the life of solar collector in the area where use is 24 hours unglazed collectors are used. Figure . Heat exchanger Filter The function of filter is to purify the water before pumping in to the pipes of solar collector where the water is warmed. These filters are so efficient that they remove all debris from the water before pumped up. The filters are fitted at the start where the water is pumped because before entering into the whole system all the dirt should be removed from the system or no dirt should enter the system because this dirt could be damaging and cause blockage in the pipes. The life span of filter depends on the dirt in the water and it varies from area to area. The areas and pools where the dirt in the water is more filters should be changed in less time. Pump The pumps are performing the main function of flowing water from one point to the other. Pumps take the water from the swimming pools and after passing through the channels pump again into the swimming pool. This water is heated up. These pumps are given power supply from the solar panels. The idea is kept in view that not huge energy should be lost in this system. So the 12V pumps are usually used to drive the whole system, because the purpose of these pumps is to flow the water at normal pressure. Pumps used in system ensure the maximum heating quality by regulating the water flow. Flow control valve The flow control valves are used to control the proper flow of water through the pipes and through the channels linked with the solar collectors. The process of flow control is very important because if the water is not properly controlled to flow through the channels and pipes of solar collector and heating section lot of heat could be wasted in the air. These flow valves could be automatic and direct the water in the particular direction by opening and closing. Heat sensors are also installed in some system to detect the temperature of water and according to the temperature flow s controlled. The sensor sends the signal to the controlling unit by detecting the temperature. And controlling unit is used to divert the direction of water flow using pump. Bypass capability is also installed in some system using the flow valves. If the temperature of water in the swimming pool is equal to the temperature of water in the collector, water passes directly into the swimming pool. The flow control valves and other electronic controls are done with the help of programmable logic controllers which would be discussed further in detail. Figure . Structural diagram 12. PLC CONTROL Plc control is very important in term of controlling all the heating systems of swimming pool. The directions of solar panels are needed to be changed after the certain time and which movement of sun to gain maximum energy from sum, so different type of motors is installed to move the solar panels. The solar panels are moved according to the program written in the PLC and all the program is based on the outputs of sensors installed in swimming pools and near the heating system. The motorized valves are also controlled using PLC. The PLC controls the direction of flow of water by opening and closing the valves by taking specific input from the sensors. The movement of solar panels is at two axes but in the circular way. The system could be installed in two different modes. 1. OPEN LOOP SYSTEM In open loop systems different sensors are giving signal to the programmable logic controller. These sensors include the voltage sensors which are installed to detect if solar panels are giving maximum output voltage or not. The voltage level is given to the analog to digital converters and the digital signal is given to the up-converter chip which converts the digital signal voltage level to the controller compatible. The example of this process is the sensors operate from 0-5 volt range. This voltage level is given to the analog to digital converter which converters the analog signal in digital data. The voltage level of these data bits are also from 0-5 volts. The operating and detecting voltage of programmable logic controllers is 24V. So the data bits are converted in to 24V signal level. Programmable logic controller detects the data and rotates the solar panel by using the motor installed to rotate solar panels. In this way maximum energy is gained and water is heated in the s wimming pools. 2. CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM In the closed loop system different sensors are also giving feedback to the programmable logic controller for more precise direction of movement towards the sun. Some sensors are also installed in water to give feed back to the PLC that water is over heated or cold. One of these sensors is PT100. This sensor is normally used to detect the temperature of water. The resistance of sensor varies with temperature from 100 to 150 ohm for rise in temperature from 0 to 100 degree centigrade. The PLC continuously monitors the feedback and controls the whole system. Figure . Temperature sensor 13. FUTURE ASPECTS With the growing trend of resource saving and production of energy the solar energy system are developing rapidly. Researchers and scientists are manufacturing new and new systems to get maximum results and efficiency from the solar based energy systems. Developing countries are keenly observing new sectors where solar energy systems could be used. The companies involved in solar energy sector are developing home based application. These applications are full or partially dependent on the solar energy. These systems include heating systems and power supply of homes. The power supply needed for home require medium power consumption so large solar panels are sufficient to full fill energy needs for small homes. Many countries are developing hybrid cars which are based on solar energy and hybrid fuel system. European countries are putting maximum effort to spread the solar energy systems so that people could rely more and more on such systems. They are also trying to lower down the pollutants by using such system as solar energy is environment friendly.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Metaphors of Society in One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nest and I Know Why
Metaphors of Society in One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nest and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nest, Kesey's use of description and symbolism not only enhance the depth of the narrative, but they provide the reader with amazing insight into the characterââ¬â¢s minds, hearts and souls. In fact, the characters themselves can be viewed as metaphors of society; not just the institution. R.P. McMurphy, for example represents the rebellious faction of society that was so loudly expressing itself during the sixties and seventies. He, like the hippies, challenges authority and brings about change by inciting others to rebel as well. He is both dynamic and crude, both funny and pitiable, as he rallies the other patients around him by challenging the dictatorship of Big Nurse. He encourages gambling in the ward, smuggles in wine and women and openly defies authority whenever possible. In the end, Nurse Ratched teaches him the ultimate lesson on authority, which could be seen as a warning against rebellion. His lobotomy is ââ¬Å"the establishmentà ¢â¬ way of quieting the unruly protests of those brave enough to speak their minds. The character of Billy is also meant to show us that disobedience can have disastrous consequences, when the evil Nurse Ratched drives him to suicide. The Chief, who acts as the narrator, is a tall and strong Native American who pretends to be mute and deaf in order to protect himself from pain. His character is representative of the way society was very silent in the fifties until people finally couldnââ¬â¢t take it anymore and let their feelings be known with a vengeance. McMurphy rescues the Chief from his silence, and he returns the favor by rescuing McMurphy from life as a vegetable. Converse... ...the Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka case which struck down legal barriers to school integration. This was the first major success that black activists had enjoyed and it gave hope to the author that people really could make a difference when they were united, organized, and had justice on their side. It was in part, because of her enthusiasm about the outcome of the case that soon after the Supreme Court's Brown decision in 1954, Jo Ann Gibson Robinson wrote a letter to the mayor of Montgomery, W.A. Gayle, stating that "there has been talk from 25 or more local organizations of planning a city-wide boycott of buses." By 1955, the Women's Political Council, the same council who had previously be disinterested in Robinsonââ¬â¢s plight, had plans for just such a boycott. I found this to be personally inspir ing in the sense that one person really can make a difference.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
buffalo soldiers Essay examples -- essays research papers
Buffalo Soldiers à à à à à The Buffalo Soldiers Museum has been opened approximately for 4 years now. The purpose of the museum is to explain the history and outstanding contributions the buffalo soldiers have made for the United States of America. The Buffalo Soldiers represented the first black professional solders in a peacetime army. The recruits came from several backgrounds including former slaves and veterans from service in the Civil War. These African Americans have served proudly in every great American war. In 1866, they created six African American army units. The units were identified as the 9th and 10th cavalry and the 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st infantry regiments. The white officers served with these regiments because the army would not let blacks command any troops. The Buffalo Soldiers were around many thousands of people of every race who helped to build the United. These soldiers were Americans serving their country. The soldiers served there country with pride when their country treated them unfairly for there skin color The Native Americans discovered the nickname for the soldiers. The Soldiers wore thick, furry buffalo hides in the wintertime. They were wrapped up with their dark skin and curly hair they reminded the Indians of buffalos. Also the Native Americans admired the strong and dentiful buffalo. The Buffalo Soldiers accepted their nickname with pride. The Buffalo Soldiers Museum had an exhibits demonstrating how the sold...
Musical Theatre Essay -- essays research papers
Girl Crazy (#14) à à à à à The musical ââ¬Å"Girl Crazyâ⬠was about a boy named Danny Churchill who lived in New York. His dad was worried about his way with women so he sent him to Custerville, AZ to get him away from them. Danny was to live on the family dude ranch called ââ¬Å"The Buzzards.â⬠à à à à à On his way to AZ, Danny rode in a taxi. The driverââ¬â¢s name was Gieber Goldfarb. He was known for his very bad Yiddish jokes. He eventually fell in love with a woman named Patsy West, who was also a nosey telephone operator. à à à à à After Danny gets to Custerville, he meets the post-girl named Molly Grey. He was in love with her, although he had just left his old girlfriend in New York. Her name was Tess Hardy. Danny had stolen Tess away from her old boyfriend; his name was Sam Mason. Sam was very upset at this, so when he heard of Dannyââ¬â¢s whereabouts, he came to take Molly from him. It worked for a little while, until Molly realized she should be with Danny. à à à à à There were also two people named Slick and Kate Fothergill. Slick managed the gambling room at ââ¬Å"The Buzzardsâ⬠that Danny opened to make the place somewhat of a party house. Kate was a nightclub singer that sang in Dannyââ¬â¢s club. à à à à à There were two other people in the story that made it interesting and comical. Their names were Lank and Pete. They were the town villains and local thugs. At the end, these boys end up in jail. Holly Conant Of Thee I Sing (#16) à à à à à In the musical ââ¬Å"Of Thee I Sing,â⬠there were many characters. The lead was probably John P. Wintergreen. It is a story of Wintergreen running for president and all the mishaps he had with women. There were a few people on his political committee. Their names were Louis Lippman, Francis X. Gilhooley, Sen. Robert Lyons, Sen. Carver Jones, and Matthew Arnold Fulton, the chairman of the committee. Alexander Throttlebottom was the vice-president. à à à à à The story was about a national beauty contest and the winner got to be the first lady. Just before the winner was announced, John met a girl named Mary Turner. Mary was the secretary for the beauty contest. The two immediately fell in love. à à à à à The winner of the contest was Diana Devereaux. After the winner was announced, ... ...II, Scene IV, there is a lot of prayer and singing, trying to drown out the sound of the wind and storm. Clara is very scared for Jake. All of the sudden, they hear a knock at the door and itââ¬â¢s Crown. Bess and Porgy had thought he had died in the storm. He come in and starts saying bad things about God. He tells Bess that she will be with him forever. à à à à à Bess sees Jakes boat outside the window. Clara gives her baby to Bess and runs to Jake. Crown, after being challenged, goes after Clara. à à à à à This began Act III. It was in the setting of a funeral. It was being held for Jake, Clara, and Crown. But Crown isnââ¬â¢t dead! Porgy knows this and hides so he can attack him and kill him. He does eventually, after a long struggle. à à à à à The detectives take Porgy in (in Scene II) to identify Crownââ¬â¢s body. While he is gone, Sporting Life offers himself to Bess (as well as his drugs). When Porgy comes back, a week later, he was rich from playing dice in jail. He looks all over for Bess, only to find that she had taken Sporting Life up on his offer and sheââ¬â¢s in New York. Porgy vows that he will find herâ⬠¦and the story ends. Musical Theatre Essay -- essays research papers Girl Crazy (#14) à à à à à The musical ââ¬Å"Girl Crazyâ⬠was about a boy named Danny Churchill who lived in New York. His dad was worried about his way with women so he sent him to Custerville, AZ to get him away from them. Danny was to live on the family dude ranch called ââ¬Å"The Buzzards.â⬠à à à à à On his way to AZ, Danny rode in a taxi. The driverââ¬â¢s name was Gieber Goldfarb. He was known for his very bad Yiddish jokes. He eventually fell in love with a woman named Patsy West, who was also a nosey telephone operator. à à à à à After Danny gets to Custerville, he meets the post-girl named Molly Grey. He was in love with her, although he had just left his old girlfriend in New York. Her name was Tess Hardy. Danny had stolen Tess away from her old boyfriend; his name was Sam Mason. Sam was very upset at this, so when he heard of Dannyââ¬â¢s whereabouts, he came to take Molly from him. It worked for a little while, until Molly realized she should be with Danny. à à à à à There were also two people named Slick and Kate Fothergill. Slick managed the gambling room at ââ¬Å"The Buzzardsâ⬠that Danny opened to make the place somewhat of a party house. Kate was a nightclub singer that sang in Dannyââ¬â¢s club. à à à à à There were two other people in the story that made it interesting and comical. Their names were Lank and Pete. They were the town villains and local thugs. At the end, these boys end up in jail. Holly Conant Of Thee I Sing (#16) à à à à à In the musical ââ¬Å"Of Thee I Sing,â⬠there were many characters. The lead was probably John P. Wintergreen. It is a story of Wintergreen running for president and all the mishaps he had with women. There were a few people on his political committee. Their names were Louis Lippman, Francis X. Gilhooley, Sen. Robert Lyons, Sen. Carver Jones, and Matthew Arnold Fulton, the chairman of the committee. Alexander Throttlebottom was the vice-president. à à à à à The story was about a national beauty contest and the winner got to be the first lady. Just before the winner was announced, John met a girl named Mary Turner. Mary was the secretary for the beauty contest. The two immediately fell in love. à à à à à The winner of the contest was Diana Devereaux. After the winner was announced, ... ...II, Scene IV, there is a lot of prayer and singing, trying to drown out the sound of the wind and storm. Clara is very scared for Jake. All of the sudden, they hear a knock at the door and itââ¬â¢s Crown. Bess and Porgy had thought he had died in the storm. He come in and starts saying bad things about God. He tells Bess that she will be with him forever. à à à à à Bess sees Jakes boat outside the window. Clara gives her baby to Bess and runs to Jake. Crown, after being challenged, goes after Clara. à à à à à This began Act III. It was in the setting of a funeral. It was being held for Jake, Clara, and Crown. But Crown isnââ¬â¢t dead! Porgy knows this and hides so he can attack him and kill him. He does eventually, after a long struggle. à à à à à The detectives take Porgy in (in Scene II) to identify Crownââ¬â¢s body. While he is gone, Sporting Life offers himself to Bess (as well as his drugs). When Porgy comes back, a week later, he was rich from playing dice in jail. He looks all over for Bess, only to find that she had taken Sporting Life up on his offer and sheââ¬â¢s in New York. Porgy vows that he will find herâ⬠¦and the story ends.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Analysis Essay
Geert Hofstede is a social psycologist, originally from the Netherlands. Hofstede is well known globally for his revolutionary research of multicultural organisations and groups. Perhaps his most important work was developing the theory of cultural dimensions. There are 5 dimensions that Hofstede explains in his framework- these are; Power distance index (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), and Long term Orientation versus Short term normative orientation (LTO). Power distance index is the dimension in which a society can understand and accept inequalities that occur in their culture. It is all about the less dominant members of that culture understanding that imbalances politically, financially and racially for example, occur in their world- and the key issue Hofstede focuses on is how these disparities are handles. For a country to yield a large degree of PDI, then the people must recognise that thes e inequalities will occur and accept a hierarchical order. Therefore societies with a low PDI, make every effort to rid of the differences in status or importance and strive to level the distribution of, for example, wealth or power. The example that Hofstede recently gave to illustrate the impact of PDI is the reaction of Chinese authorities to the fact that a Chinese author won the Nobel Prize for peace, explaining that he is a man that the western part of the world would only perceive as a good, virtuous winner of the prize. Due to the authorities reaction he describes them as feeling threatened by the possible share of power, therefore being a place of high PDI. The second dimension that Hofstede describes is Individualism. This can be explained as a preference of a society that only believes they need to look after themselves and their immediate family. The flipside of this, which Hofstede refers to as Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. A societyââ¬â¢s position on this dimension is reflected in whether peopleââ¬â¢s self-image is defined in terms of ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠or ââ¬Å"we.â⬠The next aspect of his framework is the Masculinity versus Femininity factor. The masculinity feature is where society in whole is very competitive. It is about achievement, success, and prevailing more than others and gaining material rewards for success. The opposite of this that is illustrated is femininity,à which is a society which is more focused on cooperating, caring for the weak and the general concern for quality of life. In the business context Masculinity versus Femininity is sometimes also related to as ââ¬Å"tough versus genderâ⬠cultures. The fourth point that Hofstede portrays in his work is Uncertainty avoidance index. This is explained as being the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with doubt and ambiguity. Hofstede explains the key issue here is how a society can deal with or accept the uncertainty of the future and how it cannot be known- it is a question of whether society attempts to control what will happen in the future or just simply let it happen. A country with a low uncertainty avoidance index is the latter; the part of society with more of a laid back and relaxed approach to how the future develops, whereas a country with strong UAI has firm beliefs on codes of conduct and behaviour, in order to be able to influence the future as much as possible. The final dimension that Hofstede uses is the Long term orientation versus short term normative orientation. Societies who score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future. To conclude this exploration of Geert Hofstedeââ¬â¢s framework, I believe that all of the points he makes and focuses on are relevant in societies internationally, regardless of specific cultures. For example, the Power Distance index dimension is an issue that occurs all over the globe. There are individuals in every society that have superior power to others, be it financially, politically or just have a greater status in the social order. However the acceptance of these issues can vary from country to country. For example, I would say that North Korea have a very high PDI, as they are governed by a dictatorship where certain individuals have enormous power over the rest of society, and they just get along with it and accept that fact. However in more democratic states; i.e. the UK and the USA the PDI is much lower as society believes much more in equality.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Ladies Detective Agency Essay
1.Conventional mystery novels usually contain one long and riveting mystery throughout the course of the whole story. This may or may not be successful in many cases based on the authorââ¬â¢s interest in that one mystery. With this book containing many different mysteries and crimes to solve it allows readers to become more engaged in each one instead of one mystery carrying out through the whole story. This made the pacing of the novel much more concrete and enjoyable. The author also did a nice job on emphasizing one big crime that carried out throughout most of the story. This kept the readers engaged throughout the story, as they were able to bounce back to that original story without getting bored of it. 2.Precious Ramotswe is an extremely warm and loving character. She is such a charming protagonist because of her positive attitude and determination towards all of the obstacles thrown at her in life. She is so different from other detectives because she is a woman, a person that has gone through an enormous amount of hardships in her own life, and she is a detective because that is what she loves. She doesnââ¬â¢t just do it for the purposes of making money. She feels that all African people are her brothers and sisters and it is her job to help them with their troubles. 3.These cases that Mma Ramotswe deals with, are cases that police cannot solve. This factor drives suspense in the views of the reader ad from Mma Ramotsweââ¬â¢s perspective, as she cannot go to the cops for assistance in these riveting cases. The readers know how a police officer would handle certain situations, but in this case it was more of a mystery as we learned how Mma Ramotswe would handle these situations. 4.Mma Ramotswe view on men was ruined by her first experience with a man. Ever since she got pregnant with her husbands baby and then he left she has looked at men in a very stereotypical and our way. Throughout this story, every bad quality Mma Ramotswe has said about men is proven to be valid in this book as most of her cases involve snoopy and cowardly men who leave and cheat on their wives. 5.It expresses her roots and sets the tone of her values and her culture. It gives the reader an idea of how the people live in her area and throughout Africa. His life reveals a lot of history including apartheid and the inequality of blacks in South Africa. His story reveals that mines shorten your life span and it is sad how you work so hard to make a living for yourself and your family, but in the end the mines will cause you to live less. 6.Most of Mma Ramotsweââ¬â¢s cases involve a person lying about something that she needs to solve. She uses intuition and the peopleââ¬â¢s hunch to crack those mysteries that they are hiding from her. She can solve this based on the behavior of the person. This played a huge factor in the first case as she was trying to figure out whether a man was a girlââ¬â¢s father or a fraud. 7.She is right in many cases that women have more perspective in men. She is able to prove this from the fact that most of her cases involve men doing something to or hiding something from a woman. In the novel she uses her woman perspective and observation to crack the secret from a man cheating on his wife. She was able to do this because of the experiences she had been through with men. She comically undercutââ¬â¢s the lawyers arrogance by saying how she has observed more that he hasnââ¬â¢t observed like his fly being unzipped. 8.She is articulating that thinking and getting worked up over something is not worth it. People just need to move on or fix these problems that they have. This will better your life making it easier to move on. Even though Mma Ramotswe has an extremely busy and tense life, that motivation gives her peace and stability because she knows she will fix it and move on towards a positive direction in her life. 9.Mma Ramotswe marries Note because she feels that he is an interesting man that you do not come around everyday. She also feels that she can solve all of his problems and make him a better person. His smooth talk really got her to fall for him. This makes her a much deeper and more complicated character because she brings so much controversy and stupidity. This makes her deeper because she now seems more like a real person who makes mistakes just like everyone. Her abusive marriage with Note changes her outlook on men and the trust that she has in each one. As bad as the relations were, it helped her in the long run as the experience gave her perspective on many men she was dealing with. It really ruined her interest in marrying any other man because of the fear. 10.Mma Ramotswe is not stereotyping about white people when she says this. In the culture of white people, some work and make money, but just keep on working to keep bringing in the money. Thatââ¬â¢s how their lives work. She is completely correct when she says they donââ¬â¢t enjoy because these people do take the time to enjoy it every now and then, but they cannot just stop what they are doing because all that money will slowly go away. Mma Ramotswe lives her life to bring happiness to herself and to her family. Life to her is more than just money. What is most refreshing to her is happiness and the beauty of the world around her. Other differences in white and black cultures that are shown in the book are the relationships between men and women. In the black culture, choosing a wife or a husband is an extremely fast process while in white culture it takes a long time to make that decision. 11.The aspects of traditional Africa that contradicts her are the status and lack of power control that women have. They do not get a say in things like marriage and family duty. There is such a contradiction with her and old Africa because her whole lifestyle is based on the power that women are given in the modern era. Without that her whole career and a huge aspect of life would not exist. 12.When Mr. J.L.B. Maketoni proposed to Mma Ramotswe the first time, I knew that this relationship would come up again in this book. I wasnââ¬â¢t surprised went she said no the first time because of all she has been through but as the story went on and their relationship grew, I knew they were going to end up getting married. It was the perfect ending to that novel. 13. No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency draws upon this knowledge through Mma Ramotsweââ¬â¢s observation skills and actions while solving a mystery. The tactics she uses are explained in-depth and are helpful in learning about detective work. In this book lawyers and the police did not play a big role in this private detective work. They only played a role when charges were being made and when the case was almost closed. 14.I do not believe that this is a feminist novel whatsoever as these stories are compelling to all genders. I do not believe it depicts men, but gives many different example of true actions men take part in. It doesnââ¬â¢t say that woman are always right and do not make mistakes because they do make mistakes and take part in wrong acts as well. I believe the author did a great job of representing Mma Ramotswe as I was shocked to find out a man wrote this book. I felt like Mma Ramotswe was telling me the story. 15.This story shows basic story telling by the usage of many different mysteries Mma Ramotswe solves in this book. It is sophisticated for her outlook on certain situations and the power of observation of woman. This book teaches you to not give up on a dream based on a certain limitation or social statusââ¬â¢. It teaches you to pursue your dreams and make the world youââ¬â¢re involved in positive at the same time. It also teaches to cherish happiness and what is given to you in this world.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Theraputic Relationship
meantime I communicated with my best with her do that she felt comfortable. Asa result, she gave a good cooperation and enjoyed the meal until finished. In my evaluating, I feel I make the right decision to accompany and assistMrs. A in feeding. Furthermore, I could develop my nurse-patient relationship. Although McCabe (2004, p. 44) would describe it as a task-centredcommunication as one of the element caused the lack communication amongnurses, but I think my nurse-patient relationship communication both involved agood patient-centred communication and task-centred communication.In mypersonal opinion, I attended to Mrs. A as a patient to show my empathy becauseshe was unable to feed herself. It was also as my duty to feed her so that I couldmake sure the patient get the best care in the ward. So my involvement in thisnurse-patient relationship does not only restrict to the task-centredcommunication because (Burnard 1990, and Stein-Parbury 1993, cited inMcCabe 2002, p. 44) define att ending as a patient-centred process as wells as tofulfil the basic conditions as a nurse to provide the genuineness, warmth andempathy towards the patient.I was able to improve my non-verbalcommunication skills in my conversation with her during the feeding. As she washaving a hearing problem and could not communicate in the first languageproperly, so the non-verbal communication plays a role. Caris-Verhallen et al (1999, p. 809) state that the non-verbal communication becomes important whencommunicating with the elderly people who develop a hearing problem. Hollman et al (2005, p31) suggests some effective ways to maximize the communication 5 ith hearing impairment people such as always gains the personââ¬â¢s attentionbefore speaking, visible yourself to prevent them feel frighten and try to usesome sensitive touch. I feel this is a good experience to me because I learn todevelop my non-verbal communication. I used most of the body gesturersbecause of the language barrier was be ing a gap in my conversation with Mrs. A. She could speak very limited in the first language so I tried to speak in her dialect. Furthermore, Wold (2004, p. 6) mention that gesturers are one specifictype of non-verbal communication intended to express ideas and are useful for people who cannot use much words. However I also used my facial expressionsto advise her to finish the meal. It might be not so delicious because shewithdraws the meal after few scopes but I smiled and assured Mrs. A that it wasgood for her health to finish her meal. In addition, the facial expressions are mostexpressive which are not limited to certain cultural and age barriers (Wold, 2004,p. 6). Therefore my facial expression worked out to encourage her to finish themeal. Although I could not explain detail to her about the important nutrition dietthat she should take, but I could advocate her to finish the meal served becausethe meal was prepared according to her condition. In order to analysis of the event, I could evaluate that, my communicationskills are very important to provide the best nursing care to Mrs. A. Mycommunication with Mrs. A was the interpersonal communication.This isbecause the interpersonal communication is a communication which involved of two persons (Funnell et al 2005, p. 438). I realized that my nonverbal 6 communication did help me a lot in my duty to provide the nursing care to Mrs. A. Even though she could understand few simple words when I was asking her but Inoticed that one of the problems occurs within the communication was thelanguage barrier. As the patient was not using the official language and thesecond language, I tried to speak in her language. I still could manage thecommunication in our conversation.However, it was quite difficult to promote theeffective verbal communication with the patient. Besides, White (2005, p. 112)recommend that a nurse should learn a few words or phrases in the predominantsecond language to put a patient at ease for bett er understanding. Although itwas quite difficult but using the nonverbal simultaneously with the verbalcommunication did encourage her to speak on her best to make me understandher words. In the event showed that, there was a response from Mrs. A. when Iwas asking her questions. Funnel et al (2005, p. 38) point out that acommunication would occur when a person responds to a message received andassigns meaning to it. She nodded her head to assign that she agreed with me. Delaune and Ladner (2002, p. 191) explain that the channel is one of thecomponent of the communication process which act as a medium during themessage is sent out. In addition, Mrs. A also gave me a feedback that sheunderstood my message by transmitting the message via her body gesturers andeye behaviour. Thus I could consider that the communication channels used inmy conversation were visual and auditory.Delaune and Ladner (2002, p. 191)state a feedback is that the sender receives the information after the receiver react to the message. However, Chitty and Black (2007, p. 218) define feedback 7 is a response to a message. In my situation, I was a sender who conveyed themessage receiving the information from Mrs. A, the receiver who agreed to takelunch and allow me to feed. Consequently, I could analyse that mycommunication with Mrs. A involved of five component of communication processwhich are sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback (Delaune andLadner, 2002, p. 91). In a nutshell, for my reflection of this event explores about on how thecommunication skills play a role on the nurse-patient relationship in order todeliver the nursing care towards the patient especially the adult. She neededquite sometime to adapt the ability changes in her daily activities living where Iwas trying to help her in feeding. I was concerning my feeling and thoughtsduring the feeding so that I could improve more skills in my communication. Isuccessfully communicated with her effectively as she enjoyed finis hing themeal.So it is vital to build rapport with her to encourage her ability to speak upverbally and non-verbal. Moreover, this ability could help her to communicateeffectively with other staff nurses. Later, she would not be neglected because of her age or her disability to understand the information given about her treatment. (Hyland and Donaldson 1989, cited in Harrison and Hart 2006 p. 22) mention thatcommunication express what the patients think and feel. In order to communicatewith adult, it is important to assess her common communication language andher ability to interact in the other languages.As I used some words in her dialect,I essentially encouraged the patient to speak out verbally and communicate non- 8 verbal so that the message could be understood and do not break the nurse-patient communication. In my opinion, I evaluated that it does not a matter whether it was a patient-centred communication or task-centred communicationbecause both communication mentioned by M cCabe (2004) actually doesinvolves communication to the patients. So it was not a problem to argue whichtype of communication involves in my conversation with my patient.After analysed the situation, I could conclude that I was be able to know the skills for effective communication with the patient such as approach the patient, askingquestions, be an active listening, show my empathy and support the patientemotions (Walsh, 2005, p. 34). Actually helping the adult was a good practice indelivering the nursing care among adults. My action plan for the clinical practice in the future, if there were patientsthat I need to help in feeding or other nursing procedure, I would prepare myself better to handle with the patients who would have some difficulty incommunication.This is because, as one of the health care worker, I want thebest care for my patients. So in related to deliver the best care to my patients, Ineed to understand them very well. I have to communicate effectively as this is important to know what they need most during warded under my supervision as anurse. According to my experience, I knew that communication was thefundamental part to develop a good relationship. Wood (2006, p. 13) express thata communication is the key foundation of relationship. Therefore a goodcommunication is essential to get know the patientââ¬â¢s individual health status 9
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Abrasive Flow Machining Essay
1. Introduction Abrasive flow machining (AFM) was firstly developed fifty years ago by Extrude Hone Corporation, USA. By using the liquid viscoelastic material with easy flowability made of polymer and abrasive grains, AFM can be used to polish, deburr and radius for the workpiece. There are three kinds of AFM: one-way AFM, two-way AFM and orbital AFM [1]. In this case to manufacture the cylinder heads, consider of two-way AFM is much more widely used and its technology is more mature, we also choose the two-way AFM to do the surface finishing. Schematic of two-way flow shows in figure below. Figure 1 principle of material removal mechanism in two-way AFM process [1] Prior to machining, liquid abrasive will be put into the lower medium cylinder, the designed fixture which clamping the workpiece will be fixed between two cylinders. The upper medium, lower medium cylinder and fixture will form a confined space. After heat the whole system to working temperature, by forcing the lower piston (usually by hydraulic), the liquid abrasive will be pressed into the channel formed by clamp and workpiece, then flow into the upper medium cylinder. After the stroke of lower piston finished, the upper piston will force the liquid abrasive back into lower cylinder [2], an operating cycle will be finished. See more: Beowulf essay essay 2. Three key elements of AFM 1) Machine tool Use to fasten the workpiece and fixture, and control the pressure applied on the workpiece, to adjust the degree of abrasive accuracy. 2) Liquid Abrasive Liquid abrasive is abrasive tool in the AFM, it should has following properties, a) Non-corroding and donââ¬â¢t adhere to the workpiece and human skin. b) Good adhesive properties between different abrasive grains. c) Be able to maintain the viscoelasticity for a long time d) Non-volatile and non-deteriorate after a long time preservation. e) Strong cohesion. For these properties, the conventional liquid abrasive is made from Semi-solid carrier which has viscoelasticity, flexibility and cutting property mixed with abrasive grains. Different intrinsic viscosities of different carriers, different types and size of abrasive grains can affect the final tolerance and roughness [2]. The most frequently used abrasives are silicon carbide, carborundum, Cubic Boron Nitride(CBN), aluminum oxide, the size of grain vary from 0.005mm to 1.5mm. Abrasive with high viscosity is mainly used to polish the walls of workpiece and large through-hole while low viscosity abrasive is primarily for radiusing the edge and polishing the small through-hole. 3) Fixture The function of fixture, a) Positioning and fixing the workpiece. b) Bearing clamping force for some workpiece. c) Constitute a channel for liquid abrasive with some machined surface of workpiece in suitable size and section. d) Realizing simultaneous machine multiple workpiece in one device. 3. Advantage of AFM, Abrasive flow machining has accuracy, stability and flexibility. It uses liquid abrasive to remove the metal material infinitesimally, deburr and radius the internal intersections of workpiece. At present, AFM is widely used in automotive industry and other manufacturing. The fundamental advantage of AFM is the liquid abrasive can reach the positions which are not easily be machined by tradition surface finish methods since the complexity of workpiece, polished surface evenly and in integrity, batch processing has the same result. These characteristics improve the performance of part, extend the working life, avoid the multifarious manual labour, and lower the intensity of labor. For example, when polish the intake-tube of vehicle by traditional process, the tube need to be cut into half, then welding after polishing, but using the AFM, cut and welding can be avoided [3]. 4. Geometrical and thermal effects. Viscosity of liquid abrasive will decrease when the working temperature enhances [3], and working ability of abrasive depends on its viscosity as the figure 2 shown. Figure 2 the machining effects of different viscosity of abrasive materials [5] Since cutting force is proportional to viscosity, so higher viscosity means stronger grinding ability, as a result abrasive with higher viscosity will get a better surface. In conclusion, temperature is a very important factor during the process. While the abrasive grains polish the surface, it will generate heat, enhancing the temperature as the figure 3 shown. Figure 3 Variation of rise in temperature of workpiece with number of cycles [4] The rise of temperature will make the working ability reduce. So cooling system is need during the process to ensure the best machined surface. Geometry of cylinder head also affects the result of surface finishing. Many small through-holes exist in the cylinder head, flow rate of abrasive is much bigger in these through-holes according to fluid mechanics, even these accelerations enhance grinding ability, but due to shearing force generated by abrasive being extrusion at narrow pass, it is evident that temperature will rise rapidly, lower the grinding ability. So geometrical effect need to consider when design a cylinder head. 1. Rhoades L.J., Kohut T.A., Reversible Unidirectional AFM, US patent number 5,070,652, Dec 10th, 1991. 2 Szulczynski, Hubert, Uhlmann, Eckart, MATERIAL REMOVAL MECHANISMS IN ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING 3 Guizhen Song, THEORETICAL ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING 4 Rajendra K. Jain, V. K. Jain. Specific energy and temperature determination in abrasive flow machining process[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2001(41):1689-1704 5 Tang Yong, Zhou De-ming, Yang Gang, Machinability of Abrasive Flowing Machining. Journal of south china university of technology, 2001-9
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